drill team


Federal Grant Information

Corpus Christi ISD has applied for and been awarded multiple federal grants. All federal grants are administered in accordance with the federal grant regulations, also known as EDGAR (Education Department General Administrative Regulations) and the District's State and Federal Grants Manual.

Any member of the community wishing to provide a comment regarding Corpus Christi ISD’s application for such a grant is invited to submit those comments to the district directly to us by clicking the red “Contact Us” button on the website and selecting the “Grants” button, by emailing ccisd.tx@k12-lets-talk.com or by texting (361) 600-3691.

Currently Awarded Grants

2021-2022 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title I, Part A*

2021-2022 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title I, Part C Migrant*

2021-2022 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title II, Part A*

2021-2022 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title III, Part A - EL*

2021-2022 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title IV, Part A*

2021-2022 Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century

2020-2022 CRRSA ESSER II Federal Grant

2020-2023 ARP ESSER III Federal Grant

2021-2024 Texas COVID Learning Acceleration Supports (TCLAS)

2021-2023 Title I, 1003 ESF-Focused Support Grant

2021-2022 Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) Grant

2021-2024 ARP Homeless 1 - TEHCY Supplemental Grant

2024-2025 Special Education Consolidated Grant


Corpus Christi ISD hereby gives notice to the public that it intends to file the following applications and request awarded amounts for federal grant funds with the Texas Education Agency for the school year 2022-2023. CCISD welcomes comments or questions concerning any of these grants and requests that any comments or questions be submitted by June 30, 2022, by clicking the red “Contact Us” button on the website and selecting the “Grants” button, by emailing ccisd.tx@k12-lets-talk.com or by texting (361) 600-3691.


2022-2023 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title I, Part A*

2022-2023 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title I, Part C Migrant*

2022-2023 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title II, Part A*

2022-2023 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title III, Part A - EL*

2022-2023 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) - Title IV, Part A*

2022-2023 Perkins V: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century

2021-2022 Special Education Consolidated Grant

2022-2023 Texas Education for Homeless Children and Youth (TEHCY) Grant

2021-2024 ARP Homeless II Federal Grant

District Annual Report

Police Services

Notice to Persons with Disabilities

If you find any portion of the Corpus Christi ISD online information functionality inaccessible, please contact us via email at accessibility@ccisd.us

In addition, please note the information on the District’s Grievance Procedure which includes information regarding filing a grievance with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.

District's Grievance Procedure

The district hopes that satisfactory conclusions to all complaints can be reached through an informal process; however, if not, both parents and employees have the right to a formal process as stated in the Corpus Christi ISD School Board Policy. Even after starting the formal complaint process, employees and parents are encouraged to use the informal process to solve problems.

For more information about the grievance procedures, please refer to:

Request for Public Information

To make a request for public information from the district, please complete the Request for Public Information Form.  

Title IX

In accordance with Title IX, the District does not, and is required not to; discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs or activities. The requirement not to discriminate extends to employment. As a school district serving students in kindergarten through grade 12, the District is not subject to provisions in Title IX Regulations. The following information is provided in response to 34 C.F.R. Part 106.8 of the 2020 Title IX Regulations, mandating notice of a nondiscrimination policy and adoption and publication of grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints. (Subpart C) prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in admissions and recruitment. However, the district does not discriminate on the basis of sex in admissions or transfer requests.

The District has designated and authorized the following employee as the Title IX Coordinator to address concerns or inquiries regarding discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and gender-based harassment:

Title IX Coordinator: Sandra Clement, Ed.D.

Physical Address: 801 Leopard Street, Corpus Christi, TX 78403

Email Address: Sandra.Clement@ccisd.us

Telephone Number: 361-695-7408

Any individual may report sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, at any time, including during non-business hours, by mail, phone, or email. Reports can also be made online on the District's "Speak Up for Safety" incident reporting system.  Concerns can be reported by calling or texting (361) 361-1011 or by emailing speakup@ccisd.us.

During district business hours, reports may also be made in person to the Title IX Coordinator or her designee.

To view an electronic copy of the formal complaint form for Title IX sexual harassment click here.

To obtain a copy of the District’s Title IX policies, FFH(Legal) and (Local) and DIA(Legal) and (Local), please go to: www.ccisd.us. including the grievance process that complies with 34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b) of the 2020 Title IX Regulations, please contact the Title IX Coordinator as noted above or at legal@ccisd.us.

Upon receiving an allegation of sex-based harassment, the Title IX Coordinator will promptly respond in accordance with board policies FFH and DIA. Inquiries about the application of Title IX may be referred to the district’s Title IX Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.

Title IX Training Materials

Title IX Training Materials

All materials used to train Title IX personnel are at Title IX Training and Title IX Training (Video) are also available for inspection upon request by contacting publicinformation@ccisd.us.

Title IX Basic Training Handout

Advanced Title IX Sexual Harassment Training – Spring 2022

CCISD AP Title IX Training

Food Services Disclaimer


In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. 

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits.  Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.  Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

(1)       mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
           Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
           1400 Independence Avenue, SW
           Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;

(2)       fax: (202) 690-7442; or

(3)       email: program.intake@usda.gov.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


De conformidad con la Ley Federal de Derechos Civiles y los reglamentos y políticas de derechos civiles del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE. UU. (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés), se prohíbe que el USDA, sus agencias, oficinas, empleados e instituciones que participan o administran programas del USDA discriminen sobre la base de raza, color, nacionalidad, sexo, discapacidad, edad, o en represalia o venganza por actividades previas de derechos civiles en algún programa o actividad realizados o financiados por el USDA.

Las personas con discapacidades que necesiten medios alternativos para la comunicación de la información del programa (por ejemplo, sistema Braille, letras grandes, cintas de audio, lenguaje de señas americano, etc.), deben ponerse en contacto con la agencia (estatal o local) en la que solicitaron los beneficios. Las personas sordas, con dificultades de audición o discapacidades del habla pueden comunicarse con el USDA por medio del Federal Relay Service [Servicio Federal de Retransmisión] al (800) 877-8339. Además, la información del programa se puede proporcionar en otros idiomas.

Para presentar una denuncia de discriminación, complete el Formulario de Denuncia de Discriminación del Programa del USDA, (AD-3027) que está disponible en línea en: How to File a Complaint. y en cualquier oficina del USDA, o bien escriba una carta dirigida al USDA e incluya en la carta toda la información solicitada en el formulario. Para solicitar una copia del formulario de denuncia, llame al (866) 632-9992. Haga llegar su formulario lleno o carta al USDA por:

(1)       correo: U.S. Department of Agriculture
           Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
           1400 Independence Avenue, SW
           Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;

(2)       fax: (202) 690-7442; o

(3)       correo electrónico: program.intake@usda.gov.

Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

Innovation District

Corpus Christi ISD's complete District of Innovation Plan 

District of Innovation Checklist

Figure: 19 TAC §102.1307(d)

Innovation District

Please submit, on district letterhead, a letter to the commissioner of education stating the date that the board of trustees adopted a resolution to develop a local innovation plan for the designation of the district as an Innovation District.

A local innovation plan must be developed for a school district before the district may be designated as an Innovation District. A local plan must provide for a comprehensive educational program for the district, which may include:

  1. Innovative Curriculum

  2. Instructional Methods

  3. Community Participation

  4. Governance of Campuses

  5. Parental Involvement

  6. Modifications to the school day or year

  7. Provisions regarding the district budget and sustainable program funding

  8. Accountability and assessment measures that exceed the requirements of state and federal law; and

  9. Any other innovations prescribed by the board of trustees.


A local innovation plan must identify requirements imposed by the Education Code that inhibit the goals of the plan from which the district should be exempted on adoption of the plan. The local innovation plan should specify the manner in which a particular statute inhibits one or more goals of the plan. Please use the form below to check the statutes specifically identified in your district’s local innovation plan as inhibiting a goal of the plan. Checking a specific statute does not necessarily indicate eligibility for an exemption from all subsections of the statute. The local innovation plan controls with regard to the specific exemptions adopted by a district. The form below provides a reporting mechanism to fulfill the reporting requirements of the statute. Entire sections of code may not be eligible for exemption and each district should consult its legal counsel in developing its innovation plan.

Exemptions claimed for an Innovation District apply only to the specific provision of the Texas Education Code (TEC) cited, which may or may not be governed by a separate legal requirement. The exemption does not relieve the district of any requirement imposed by other state or federal law or a duty imposed under federal regulation, grant compliance, agency rule applicable to a charter school or a local legal requirement. Each district should consult its legal counsel to ensure adoption of necessary local policies to ensure compliance with all applicable legal requirements.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of exemptions.


Term of Plan: Corpus Christi ISD District of Innovation Plan 2021-2026

Plan applies to:  * Entire District

                             Campus (list)                                                               

                             Other (please describe)                                                            

Chapter 11 – School Districts

Subchapter D. Powers and Duties of Board of Trustees of Independent School Districts

   §11.1511 (b)(5), (14) Specific Powers and Duties of Board

   §11.162 School Uniforms

Subchapter F. District-Level and Site Based Decision-Making

  §11.251 Planning and Decision-Making Process

   §11.252 District-Level Planning and Decision-Making

   §11.253 Campus Planning and Site-Based Decision-Making

   §11.255 Dropout Prevention Review

Chapter 21 – Educators

Subchapter A – General Provisions

   §21.002 Teacher Employment Contracts

*  §21.003 Certification Required

   §21.0031 Failure to Obtain Certification; Contract Void

Subchapter B – Certification of Educators

   §21.051 Rules Regarding Field-Based Experience and Options for Field Experience and Internships.

 * §21.053 Presentation and Recording of Certificates

   §21.057 Parental Notification

Subchapter C – Probationary Contracts

Subchapter D – Continuing Contracts

Subchapter E – Term Contracts

Subchapter H – Appraisals and Incentives

  §21.352 Local Role

  §21.353 Appraisal on Basis of Classroom Teaching Performance

  §21.354 Appraisal of Certain Administrators

  §21.3541 Appraisal and Professional Development System for Principals

Subchapter I – Duties and Benefits

  §21.401 Minimum Service Required

  §21.402 Minimum Salary Schedule for Certain Professional Staff

  §21.4021 Furloughs

  §21.4022 Required Process for Development of Furlough Program or Other Salary Reduction Proposal

  §21.403 Placement on Minimum Salary Schedule

  §21.4031 Professional Staff Service Records

  §21.4032 Reductions in Salaries of Classroom Teachers and Administrators

  §21.404 Planning and Preparation Time

  §21.405 Duty-Free Lunch

  §21.406 Denial of Compensation Based On Absence for Religious Observance Prohibited

  §21.407 Requiring or Coercing Teachers to Join Groups, Clubs, Committees, or Organizations: Political Affairs

  §21.408 Right To Join or Not To Join Professional Association

  §21.409 Leave Of Absence for Temporary Disability

  §21.415 Employment Contracts

  Subchapter J – Staff Development

  §21.451 Staff Development Requirements

  §21.452 Developmental Leaves of Absence

  §21.458 Mentors

Chapter 22 – School District Employees and Volunteers

Subchapter A – Rights, Duties, and Benefits

  §22.001 Salary Deductions for Professional Dues

  §22.002 Assignment, Transfer, or Pledge of Compensation

  §22.003 Minimum Personal Leave Program

  §22.006 Discrimination Based on Jury Service Prohibited

  §22.007 Incentives for Early Retirement

  §22.011 Requiring or Coercing Employees to Make Charitable Contributions

Chapter 25 – Admission, Transfer, and Attendance

  Subchapter C – Operation of Schools and School Attendance

* §25.0811 First Day of Instruction

  §25.0812 Last Day of School

  §25.083 School Day Interruptions

  §25.092 Minimum Attendance for Class Credit or Final Grade

  Subchapter D – Student/Teacher Ratios; Class Size

  §25.111 Student/Teacher Ratios

  §25.112 Class Size

  §25.113 Notice of Class Size

  §25.114 Student/Teacher Ratios in Physical Education Classes; Class Size

Chapter 37 – Discipline; Law and Order

Subchapter A – Alternative Setting for Behavior Management

  §37.0012 Designation of Campus Behavior Coordinator

 §37.002 Removal by Teacher

Chapter 44 –Fiscal Management

Subchapter B – Purchases; Contracts

 §44.031 Purchasing Contracts

 §44.0331 Management Fees Under Certain Cooperative Purchasing Contracts

 §44.0352 Competitive Sealed Proposals

 §44.042 Preference to Texas and United States Products

 §44.043 Right To Work

 §44.047 Purchase or Lease of Automated External Defibrillator

Subchapter Z – Miscellaneous Provisions

 §44.901 Energy Savings Performance Contracts

 §44.902 Long-Range Energy Plan to Reduce Consumption of Electric Energy

 §44.903 Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs in Instructional Facilities

 §44.908 Expenditure of Local Funds

Chapter 45 – School District Funds

Subchapter G – School District Depositories

 §45.205 Term of Contract

 §45.206 Bid Or Request for Proposal Notices; Bid and Proposal Forms

 §45.207 Award of Contract

 §45.208 Depository Contract; Bond

 §45.209 Investment of District Funds


Please list any additional exemption required for your Innovation District Plan: